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Introducing our new Singapore based surveyor

Posted inSurveybyYasmin Talbot

Bart Lubecki, a Senior Surveyor in front of a vessel

The MCA has appointed a new surveyor based in Singapore. Bart Lubecki, a Senior Surveyor, arrived in Singapore this October. Bart will already be known to some UK Flag customers; he has been with the MCA for several years and is an experienced surveyor having previously worked in the Liverpool Marine Office.

One of Bart’s first roles was to represent the MCA at the Singapore Joint Branch of the Institute of Marine Engineer Science and Technology and Royal Institute of Naval Architect Anniversary Dinner, presenting a lifetime achievement award.

Christian Olsen, Assistant Director Survey and Inspection (South) said: 

“Locating Bart in Singapore re-stablishes the MCA’s survey and inspection capability in Asia. This is important move enables the MCA to respond quickly and support UK flagged ships in the area along with supporting the UK’s offer to potential operators wishing to join the UK Flag. This great achievement is a result of working in partnership with the Foreign and Common Wealth Development Office with a special thanks the MCA’s Human Resources team”