An owner can close or remove a vessel from the UK Ship Register at any time.
Closing, or "cancelling" a vessel registration is free of charge. Once the registration is closed, the recorded registered owner will be sent a closed transcript to confirm the vessel is no longer registered with the UK Ship Register.
The recorded owner(s) can close a vessel registration using the UK Ship Register online service.
By using the UK Ship Register online service there is no requirement to sign or return any documents, as any supporting documents can be uploaded online.
Before you can close a vessel registration online, you will need to ensure you have made a customer account for the UK Ship Register online service and linked it to the vessel registration record. Find out more on our Managing your Registration Online page.
Part 3 Small Ships Register only:
We can cancel the registration for a Part 3 registered vessel through a request sent by email. Confirmation through email is required from all recorded owners and the email must come from email addresses recorded in the UK Ship Register.
Part 1, Part 2, or Part 4 registered vessels:
If you are the current and recorded owner of a UK registered vessel and wish to cancel (close) the UK registration by post or email, please submit the following:
- An application to remove, signed by all owners MSF 4744
- A Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR) form 2 (if required), reflecting the date of the vessel’s closure off the register (MSF 5623 C)
Please note, all owners must sign the application to remove MSF 4744 and we cannot accept digital signatures.
If you are a new owner of a ship registered with the UK Ship Register and wish to close the UK registration instead of applying to change its ownership, please submit the following documents:
- An application to remove, to be signed by all owners MSF 4744
- A Bill of Sale, confirming the new owner(s) of the vessel
- A CSR form 2, reflecting the date of the vessel’s closure off the register (MSF 5623 C)
Where to send your documents
Please return your current Certificate of Registry, if the Green Format of Certificate, to the following address.
Email documents to us at:
Post documents to us at:
UK Ship Register
Maritime and Coastguard Agency
Anchor Court
Keen Road
CF24 5JWWe also can be contacted on: +44 (0)20 3908 5200.