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New Non-Executive Chair appointed for the Maritime and Coastguard Agency

Posted inCorporatebyYasmin Talbot

On 24 May 2024, Lord Stevens of Birmingham started his role as Non-Executive Chair of the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) having been appointed by Transport Secretary, Mark Harper, following an open competition.

The position for the MCA’s Non-Executive Chair was introduced in 2017 and since then there have been three appointments, Michael Parker, Christopher Rodrigues and now Lord Simon Stevens.

As an independent member of the House of Lords, Chair of Cancer Research UK, and having worked in both the public and private sectors, Lord Stevens of Birmingham brings a wealth of experience and knowledge with him to the MCA.

He will help the agency achieve key objectives through leadership and by providing support on the delivery of the Department for Transport’s maritime strategic priorities.

Read what Lord Simon Stevens said in the press release on GOV.UK