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New seafarer training courses for electric-propelled vessels

Posted inSeafarerbyYasmin Talbot

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has been collaborating with training providers, industry bodies and businesses to produce draft criteria for new electric propulsion training courses.

The draft criteria is in two parts and contains the minimum learning requirements for safety and technical skills. It provides a foundation for maritime training providers to develop a course, which must then be submitted to the MCA for approval before being made available to seafarers.

The first part of the draft course requirements is for all crew and would include universal topics such as safety and basic procedures. The second, which is for technical crew, would cover elements including battery management and control, and maintenance and repair.

The document was published on the 16 September 2024 and has gone out to stakeholders for consultation, which is due to last four weeks.

Once the consultation has concluded, feedback received will be analysed and the final version of the course criteria will be published.

It’s important to note that the courses will not be mandatory for seafarers.

Read the press release on GOV.UK to find out what Ajit Jacob, Head of Seafarer Technical Delivery said.

Alternatively, to find out more about the consultation, email