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UK Government renews its commitment to cleaner ships and cleaner seas on World Maritime Day

Posted inDecarbonisationbyYasmin Gardner

Published on: 29 September 2022

On World Maritime Day, the UK Government has reiterated its drive to be a world leader in creating cleaner, greener shipping.

The UK’s Maritime 2050 strategy and the Clean Maritime Plan are at the forefront of all the work currently being carried out by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA).

This year’s theme for the International Maritime Organization’s World Maritime Day - “New Technologies for Greener Shipping,” is focussed on the need to find alternatives for shipping.

And the UK continues its drive to be a world leader in this work, with the MCA looking at methods of alternative fuels decarbonisation and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from shipping.

It remains committed to this work and expects all UK vessels to be making the most use of energy efficient options by 2025.

Katy Ware, Director of UK Maritime Services and the UK’s Permanent Representative to the IMO, said:

“We all have a part to play in tackling climate change, and our vocal, proactive approach already reflects our keen commitment to greener shipping. This is not new territory for us.

“Right now, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and adapting vessels are just two ambitious but non-negotiable objectives for the maritime sector.

“Safeguarding and regulating the waters is at the core of what we do, and if we don’t take climate change seriously now, there won’t be a planet to protect in the future.

“We stand with the IMO in its mission to mitigate climate change impact at sea, and we hope to continue paving the way with new, innovative and sustainable technologies.”