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UK recognised as one of the worlds top flag states by International Chamber of Shipping

Posted inUK FlagbyYasmin Gardner

Published on: 3 February 2023

Red Ensign on a ship

The UK Flags position as one of the world’s top performers in maritime safety has been given an early boost this year with the publication of the International Chamber of Shipping’s (ICS) Flag State Performance Table (2022/23).

The table recognises the flag states which perform to a consistently high standard, benchmarking them across numerous categories, with the UK achieving positive markers across all 19 of the performance indicators.

The ICS Flag State Performance table is designed to encourage ship owners and operators worldwide to prioritise the safety of all life at sea, protect the marine environment and provide decent working and living conditions for seafarers.

It is a useful tool for ship owners in comparing the substance of each Flag State in balance with their commercial objectives.

Providing an invaluable indicator of the performance of individual flag states, it analyses how the countries included deliver against a number of criteria such as Port State Control (PSC) records, ratification of international maritime Conventions and attendance at IMO meetings.

And the report is the latest assurance to UK flagged ship owners of its reputation as a leading flag for maritime safety, seafarer welfare and protection of the environment said Katy Ware, the MCA’s Director of Maritime Services and the UK’s Permanent Representative to the International Maritime Organisation.

“We are really delighted with this latest confirmation that the UK Flag continues to meet the highest global standards of performance.” she said. "We will continue that work to maintain that position as a maritime leader".

Read the full report.