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Catch up - MCA energy efficiency event

Posted inEventbyYasmin Gardner

Published on: 2 December 2022

The first in a series of MCA energy efficiency technology events took place last month (29th November).

The MCA welcomed around 100 guests to the event in Portsmouth Historic Dockyard with more joining the morning session online.

The event was designed to provide insights on the technology available now to help ship owners and operators reduce energy usage, and in turn reduce their operating costs and emissions.

Relationship Director, Saskia Daggett opened the event by saying: "It’s an important time with EEXI regulations coming into force and the scale of decarbonisation feels monumental. However, we do know there are technologies already available to help you and the solutions discussed today have been selected to help you take action. There is a triple win – meet the resolutory targets that are set, help you reduce your costs, as well as reducing emissions”

Leading experts from the field of technologies measures covered topics from regulation (EEXI, EEDI, CII ) and wing technologies to hull optimisation and the human element factor.

Deputy Director Gwilym Stone from the MCA covered the breadth of the MCAs work on decarbonisation, which extends beyond fuels and propulsion to navigation, seafarers and education. He also included the forthcoming international regulations EEXI and The Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII), which both come into force in 2023.

Speaking about the CII, an annual report which gives each ship a rating of A-E, he said: “Its value is to drive continual improvement. It’s not good business sense to run ships inefficiently and so those that find themselves at the lower end of the scale can use the ratings to establish corrective action plans, which will have benefits for both the environment and the organisation”.

Lauran Eatwell of BAR technologies showcased a variety of new technologies, with a particular focus on implementing wing technologies on bulk tanker vessels, the first practical application of which is due to be delivered in early 2023.

Karl Hinks of Marine Power Consultancy reminded attendees that on average, fuel makes up approximately 76% of operational expenditure so, it’s common sense to reduce the amount you use. He divided emission reduction into three factors; power and propulsion; hull (design and energy saving devices) and crew and the human performance.

Lastly, Dr Clare Pekcan focussed on the human element. Discussion surrounded what seafarers can do on board now to optimise efficiencies including optimising speed and course and the use of data. However, she highlighted that behaviours don’t happen by osmosis, and crew need to be trained with the culture and performance management process of the organisation having the biggest role to play in realising any efficiencies.  

Our fantastic technology suppliers and specialists then hosted roundtable discussions. They provided overviews on technology such as air lubrication systems, battery technology, propulsion technology, anti-fouling measures, wind power and waste heat recovery.

In the second part of this interactive event guests took a voyage on Wightlink’s hybrid ferry. The Victoria of Wight combines battery power with conventional engines, using around 20% less fuel and saving around 3000 tonnes of CO2 so far. During the just under two-hour return trip, delegates were able to find out more about existing measures and enjoy a rare opportunity to visit the engine room and gain up-close insight of the hybrid technology.

For those that missed the event, the morning session is available to watch on demand now:

  • If you’re interested in taking part in any future events, please email 

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