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New regulations to improve safety at sea

Posted inRegulationbyYasmin Talbot

Two container ships docked in Southampton

To support enforcement in UK waters and to improve safety at sea, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has implemented new measures to help defend against fraud.  

The national legislation that’s been adopted is based on special safety measures covered in the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS) that were agreed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO).  

The rules which are now part of UK law were introduced following a consultation from September to November 2023 which sought views on four specific measures to enhance the safety of ships.  

The new rules will apply to:  

  • Cargo ships on international voyages  
  • Passenger ships on international voyages  
  • Some ships engaged only in domestic voyages  

To adhere to the regulations being implemented, these ships will need to have:  

  1. Identification numbers for the vessels, owners and operators  
  2. A Continuous Synopsis Record (CRS) on board the vessel  

In addition, oil tankers will also be required to be surveyed in accordance with the most recent and relevant international code on oil tanker inspections.

A notice on GOV.UK, MGN 660 (M) Special measures to enhance maritime safety for merchant ships, has been produced to provide further guidance around these new regulations.

If you have any questions, get in contact with the UK Ship Register team by filling in our form. Alternatively, read the original press release on GOV.UK.