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Update to the content of Training Record Books

Posted inSeafarerbyYasmin Gardner

Published on: 6 December 2024

Three cadets training in a simulator

The Cadet Training and Modernisation (CT&M) Programme was set up in 2021 following a Seafarer and Cadet Training review launched by the Maritime Skills Commission.

Led by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA), the programme reviews the recommendations made to ensure training is up to date to support a modern and ever-evolving maritime industry.

The most recent step to have been completed is an MCA update to the content of Training Record Books which will be rolled out in January 2025. Also known as TRBs, Cadets use the books to document and keep track of skills, experience and training.

The introduction of this update completes a phase of work within the wider programme which reviewed the training and assessment processes that cadets must complete before applying for a UK Certificate of Competency (CoC) from the MCA.

Updates that have previously been announced and finalised include the review of the UK Cadet Syllabus which will be introduced in September 2025 and the new post-training survey for seafarers.

Find out what MCA Chief Examiner Ajit Jacob said by reading the press release on GOV.UK