Consultation on the future of the fee for seafarer medical
The future of the fee for seafarer medicals is going out to consultation as the UK works to make sure it can offer the same long-term high-quality service as it does now.
III Code Audit – excellent result for the United Kingdom
The UK continues to hold its own as a leader in the maritime world after the leading international agency responsible for safety of shipping carried out an audit that shows how well it does its work.
Event News
Catch up on the UK Ship Register at Shipping Finance 2022
In March 2022 the UK Ship Register was pleased to participate in the Shipping Finance conference in Athens, Greece, delivering three events across two days.
Safety kit saves life of fisherman
This is the story of a life saved. Because the fisherman was wearing a PFD and a PLB. It is no exaggeration to say: They are life savers.
Trilogy of Tradition, Tech and Timing - Odin and Thor of Scapa
A trilogy of tradition, technology and precision timing meant that Orkney Islands Council’s (OIC) two new tugs, Odin of Scapa and Thor of Scapa, were proudly flying the UK Red Ensign and preparing for work within just 24 hours of their official delivery to the new owners.