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Transcripts of Registry

If you need an extract of information from the UK Ship Register of a specific vessel, the UK Ship Register can provide a Transcript of Registry.

Current Transcript for Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4 vessels

This applies for merchant vessels, pleasure vessels, large commercial yachts, fishing vessels and bareboat vessels. A current Transcript for registered Part 1, Part 2 and Part 4 vessel will show vessel details such as:

  • Vessel name
  • Registered port
  • Official Number
  • Registration expiry date
  • Vessel type
  • Vessel dimensions
  • Vessel tonnage
  • Vessel engines
  • Owner's name
  • Any registered mortgages

For a current Transcript, the fee is £29 for a Part 1 or Part 4 vessel and £32 for a Part 2 fishing vessel

Current Transcript for Part 3 vessels (Small Ships Register)

A current Transcript for registered Part 3 vessels will show vessel details such as:

  • Vessel name
  • Official Number (a Small Ships Register number, which begins with SSR)
  • Registration expiry date
  • Vessel type
  • Vessel length
  • Owner's name(s)

The fee for a Part 3 Small Ships Register current or closed Transcript is £29.

Historic Transcript

A historic Transcript will show the same information as a current transcript and will also include further pages to identify any changes made to the registered details, including when these changes were recorded by the UK Ship Register.

The fee for a historic Transcript is £46 for all vessels and can be paid via GOV.UK using the following secure links: 

Closed Transcript of Registry

Closed Transcript of Registry confirms a vessel is no longer registered with the UK Ship Register and shows registration details at the time the registration was closed. A closed transcript will show any outstanding mortgages registered against the vessel.

Fees for a closed Transcript of Registry include: 

Please note that personal information may be removed from all types of transcripts.

Additionally, Part 3 vessel Transcripts will show limited information, as required registration information is limited and is a simple form of registration. 

Applying for a Transcript 

If you have a legitimate reason for requesting and receiving a transcript you can apply by emailing your request to and making the payment using the appropriate link.

The email should include:

  • Vessel name
  • Official Number (or SSR number), or ship port registration number
  • Reason for requiring the transcript 

Alternatively, you can apply by post.

Please send a letter to the below address, and include the vessel’s name and Official Number (ship port registration number), reason for requiring the Transcript and a return address for receiving the Transcript. Fees can be paid via the payment links.

  • Where to send your documents

  • Documents can be sent to us by email at or by post to:

    UK Ship Register
    Maritime and Coastguard Agency
    Anchor Court
    Keen Road
    CF24 5JW

    We also can be contacted on +44 (0)20 3908 5200.